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Toy Camera Gallery

On the Road with Diana and Holga

The iconic Diana and Holga cameras are now permanent fixtures in my bag of tricks. These are
some recent images from near and far.

Urban Nomad - Culture, Myth, Identity

A collection of images included in my book which includes photographs produced
while traveling and living in the USA and Europe. The collection explores cultural identity and
questions faith, success, societal status, and myth within the context of the urban environment.

Polaroids - The Button Project

Some time ago I found an old SX-70 Alpha - I began shooting these images as an additional
set of pictures to accompany the Urban Nomad series. I soon found that the Polaroid, with its
instantaneous result began to reveal interesting relationships between myself and the subjects
that when combined created new narratives commenting on the theme of cultural identity.

Link to Travel GalleryLink to Travel Gallery

Portraits of Culture - Images from Travels 1998 - 2009

A selection of images from fascinating places around the world. This is an on-going series that
will be updated frequently.

Landscape Galleries

The landscape galleries are samples from an on-going series of large and small format
work that reflects my deep interest in and commitment to environmental preservation.
Influenced by classic and contemporary master photographers, I aim to create images
that capture the beauty and frailty of the natural world.

Link to Landscape GalleriesLink to Urban Nomad GalleryLink to The Button Project Gallery